Rug – Goat Skin (Chestnut)
Soft & sleek goat skins from our very own flock – perfect for lounging by the fire or keeping your toes warm at the side of your bed.
Soft & sleek goat skins from our very own flock – perfect for lounging by the fire or keeping your toes warm at the side of your bed.
Soft & sleek goat skins from our very own flock – perfect for lounging by the fire or keeping your toes warm at the side of your bed.
Soft & sleek goat skins from our very own flock – perfect for lounging by the fire or keeping your toes warm at the side of your bed.
Soft & fluffy long shorn sheep skins from our very own flock – perfect for lounging by the fire or keeping your toes warm at the side of your bed.
This deeply soothing fusion wild chamomile, and earthy nettle, combined with heart-warming Rose and comforting Lavender, will set you on your way to some seriously sweet dreams. The perfect wind down or “sleepy time” blend, sends you into the land of nod with ease!
Hand picked, home brewed.
For larger wholesale quantities please contact us via info@husbandry.co.uk
This collection of traditional and heirloom variety seeds along with our booklet telling the story of the three sisters, along with a sowing guide and recipe are the perfect introduction to both this beautiful and ancient story of reciprocity, community and prosperity and the ideal starter for gardeners looking to grow their own veg!
A collection of hand saved seeds of both cultivated and wild flowers from our land at The Husbandry School, perfect for scattering in flower beds, hedgerows and banks for a stunning floral display year after year!
Ideal for encouraging bees, butterflies and pollinating insects, these versatile wildflower thrive on low quality and low nutrition soil.